The Entities & Relations page is the central component of the Loading Wizard. This is where you specify how table data is transformed into entity types and relation types.
The labels "Entity" and "Relation" seen in the dialog are shorthand for "Entity Type" and "Relation Type".
 Add Entity / Relation
The Add Entity (shot for Add Entity Type) and Add Relation (short for Add Relation Type) buttons at the top of the dialog let you create new Entity Types and Relation Types.
Each entity type and relation type must be associated with at least one table from the data, so pressing Add Entity or Add Relation first opens up a Choose A Table Dialog dialog where you specify which table to use for that record type.
When you have completed adding the entity type or relation type it will appear in the Entities list or Relation list.
Adding a relation type may also result in new entity types being created that correspond to the endpoints of the relation type. These can be see in the Entities list.
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 Entities List /
Relations List
Note: Review the Entities list to make sure it does not contain redundant entity types that represent the same kind of object. For instance if you have data about people who've sent emails to each other, you should not see "sender" and "recipient" as two separate entity types. Instead, there should only be one entity type called "person". If you see redundant entity types, this is probably because you incorrectly specified the endpoint for a relation type. If you see this you should delete one of the redundant entities types, as well as the relation type which had it as an endpoint, and create a proper relation type instead.
The Relations list shows relation types that will be created from tables. The name of the relation type is shown in the first column. Each relation type has two entity types as its endpoints -- these are shown in the Src Entity (Source Entity Type) and Dst Entity (Destination Entity Type) columns. The last column shows whether the relation type is directed or not. If the relation type is not directed, then Src Entity and Dst Entity are just two endpoints of the relation type.
The Edit buttons will take you back to the Edit Entity Dialog or the Edit Relation Dialog. There you can edit the names of entity types and relation types. You can also configure which attributes are used from the tables. You can't change the endpoints of a relation type however, to do so you need to delete the relation type and create a new one.
The Delete buttons will delete the entity type or relation type. If there are dependencies, then these will usually be deleted as well. For instance if you are deleting an entity type which is used as an endpoint by a relation type, that relation type will also be deleted. Deleting a relation type will not delete an entity type, for now you have to manually delete orphaned entity types if these are not used. There may be dynamic relation types that depend on a relation type. If these exist, then deleting a relation type will delete the associated dynamic relation types as well.
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 Save, Ok, Cancel
Save Project: Saves the latest changes in the Project
Ok: Returns back to the Wizard Main Menu
Cancel: Disabled for now, the only way to undo changes is to press ok to go back and then press Cancel on the main Loading Wizard window.
Help: Takes you to this page of the help manual
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